
Showing posts from April, 2020

Motivation Towards Corona Virus.

Hay all of you. I am assuming that all of you are in your home and be safe. This blog is for all of the people who are thinking about fear from corona.  For your kind information to all of the viewers that  corona is not an airborne disease and it cant float on the air so it cant affect you through the air. corona is not a such type of virus which cannot be stop. It can be stop through by taking care of your self and your family so that they also should be protected from corona . you should have to follow some basic and impotent steps to prevent from it: Wash your hand up-to 20 sec (It will help you to stay away from it and kill all the corona virus which stick to your hand while touching some public places things). You must clean your self and your devises as well as your cloths when you come at home from out side. Avoid going out for necessarily. Avoid shake hand and use " Namasty " stay happy and calm. Always before going to sleep stay calm and thinnk

Good/positive Sides Of Lockdown??

Positive side of lockdown. As we all are in the home and whetting for the lockdown to be end.( It's my request to all of the people to not come out from there home until the lockdown end's ). But,  I will recommend some things to observe in nature about the changes held between this lockdown. So without any further talk lets get started. Changes: Changes in Environment: This is the one of the most impotent changes in environment is about the pollution. As all of you know that the pollution of  Delhi (i.e. the state & capital of India) which is the one of the place which is greatly affected through the pollution. But, now a day's you can see and notice that the pollution is decreases. The whole government stand his hand away from clearing the pollution & now it is clear off due to this lock down. Changes in Human: After spending a lots of quality time with your family make us feel more inseparable and make us know more about there life and

People thinking about modi ji.

My, opinion about modi ji. He is the person who not need any introduction. But a short Introduction for him. Introduction: Narendra Damodardas Modi  (born 17 September 1950) is an Indian politician.  He is the current Prime Minister of India serving since 2014. He was the 14th Chief Minister of the state of Gujarat. Modi was elected Prime Minister of India in May 2014. He is a member of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and Rashtriya Swayamsevaklemak Sanghi (RSS). He was born into a Hindu Gujarati family in Vadnagar. As a child, Modi used to help his Father, who ran a tea stall at Vadnagar railway station. Later, he and his brother ran a tea stall of their own at a bus te inus. In 1978 Modi received a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science from School of Open Learning at University of Delhi, graduating with a third class. Five years later, in 1983, he received a Master of Arts degree in political science from Gujarat University, as an external distance learning st

People thinking about lockdown??

What does the people think about lockdown? Most of the people are not worried of the corona virus,  they  are just what  to walk  as casual as they are waling in a garden. They doesn't  understand what they are doing. Most of the people who are in there houses they also not worried of corona, they are worried of the police with the stick or from there punishment. In This Case, All of the Indians should have to understand the seriousness of this virus which was spreading in all of the world. Be at your home and be safe for your self not for others.  It is my request to all of the people who are not understanding the seriousness just visit the rate of infraction increases in china ,  Italy and now a days on the top of the rank is The United State of America